It's official...I'm boycotting **** field. After another mediocre season the Mets have raised ticket prices by 20%! UNBELIEVABLE!!! This is the end of the line for me and these idiots, I'll be attending a few games at Shea just because it is the last season their but I will be boycotting **** Field (I refuse to give into this corporate nonesense, it is my stadium and it will always be Shea in my book) until further notice. First of all how do you build a stadium in the middle of the biggest city in America and make it smaller than one in...Denver!?! I don't care what supply and demand stuff you wanna throw my way..if you want to suck up to these fat cats then be my guest but I never have and never will. I'll be MORE than happy to give Ted Turner my money..his stadium will give me a ticket, a bbq sandwich for and more hot southern girls than Shea would know what to do with, all for 15$..(well actually they'd know exactly what to do, dig their filthy hands into their purses until they're bull in the face). Go ahead Fred, run around the city and tell everyone to be excited for the new stadium, show us the idiotic restaurants you're building in a baseball us the 12,000 + seats you're sending to the landfill on Staten Island, show us a ticket hike every year and for heavens sake try to sell me a brick in the "Jackie Robison Rotunda"...but don't you freakin dare try to tell me this is good for Mets fans or for the city. As a matter of fact I'll tell you something, you are running thousands of families out of the stadium, preventing young kids from seeing a game, and eventually cutting down on your fan base..and let us be clear here, this stadium is nothing but a scam from an outsider who is hell bent on stealing OUR team and OUR money...well you ain't taking my money no more and you ain't taking my team either Fred.
This is what I have been saying for the last 2 years and people refused to see it..but I won't shut up anymore...Corey this is something you more than anyone should care about. Money is going to ruin everything we care about, stand for, and are proud of about NY. On the surface all of this stuff is stadiums (wowww how niceee) rides at Coney Island (look Joey they cleaned this place up soooo niceee)...but who is going to be sitting in those seats and on those rides?? It isn't Josephina or Tony anymore, it's going to be Merril Lynch, Charles Schwabb and 1,000,000 (is he even a person?) and a bunch of A-/B list celebrities who want to make a name for themselves. STOP THIS CRAP!
So now it is official, I will not attend a game at Shea Stadium the Second..I will be going to games in Atlana, Washington and Lord willing one day in Charlotte. And go ahead and tell me how it doesn't matter, someone else will fill up my seat..good for them, just another blind sheep in the pasture, but I won't stand for this anymore and it's time we take a stand.